What is it about the start of a new year? Despite the dark and the cold, turning the calendar to January always seems to bring a renewed sense of energy and drive. 

Here at Leewords, I’m setting myself a few goals for 2021. They are all SMART goals—specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. SMART goals make me more accountable and have a clear end to them, making it much easier to tick the box on my to-do list.  

By December 31, 2021, I will have: 

  • Partnered with one new copy editing client.
  • Partnered with one new indexing client. Bonus points if they aren’t the same client as the copy editing one. 
  • Worked on a cookbook—either as a copy editor or an indexer. 
  • Registered for the Editors Canada mentorship program and been connected to a mentor.
  • Written at least one blog post per month. No, this post doesn’t count because I wrote it in 2020. 

Stay tuned.